Connecting D.O.T.S
Connecting D.O.T.S
Connecting DOTs is an online platform dedicated to educating schoolchildren on donation and organ transplantation (Donation and Organ Transplantation for Schools). It provides information for teachers, students and their families. As organ transplantation is a very important topic for the treatment of end-stage organ disease, it is important to raise awareness amongst the general public.
DonorFacts is the student section of the website. The three modules in Donorfacts were shaped after the Dutch program, Donorwise. Much of the modules were translated directly from Donorwise from Dutch into English. Donorwise was created by The Dutch Transplantation Foundation with support of the Dutch Society of Transplantation.
The modules include interactive sessions and videos, and provide general education to broaden awareness on organ donation and transplantation. It is hoped that students will share their knowledge with family and friends discussing about what they learned.