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Book: The ant who needed a transplant

Dr. Bill Wall
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La description

the ant who needed a transplant

Written by Dr. Bill Wall
Illustrated by Dave Hill

Mama Ant, Papa Ant, Russell, and Sophie all live together in a thriving ant community. They love each other very much, and in the winter their favourite activity is to go tobogganing together. But one winter, Papa Ant has trouble climbing the hill. He goes to the doctor and is told that he needs a heart transplant. What will the ant family do? Will anyone be able to save their Papa?

the ant who needed a transplant is a touching story that embraces the themes of empathy, altruism, and compassion. It is meant to intrigue children and help them learn how an act of kindness can save a life.

book cover of Dr. Wall's the ant who needed a transplant

Dr. Bill Wall is a retired transplant surgeon. He was the surgical member of a team that developed the curriculum "One Life...Many Gifts" to educate high school students about the nature and importance of organ donation and transplantation. This book is his attempt to introduce the essence of this subject to young children. Dr. Wall has been instrumental in the development of this learning website and an advocate for the importance of educating youth about the powerful impact of organ donation.


Article: Working together to educate children about organ donation
How to talk with kids about organ donation
Poster: Do you know where the Orgamites go?
One Life... Many Gifts
Research article: Impact of the Educational Resource One Life … Many Gifts on Attitudes of Secondary School Students Towards Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation