One Life... Many Gifts
One Life... Many Gifts
One Life... Many Gifts
One Life...Many Gifts is a curriculum resource to educate senior secondary school students about the vital importance of organ and tissue donation and transplantation. It was first developed in 2008, by Trillium Gift of Life Network, London Health Sciences Centre's Multi-Organ Transplant Program and the Kidney Foundation of Canada . It brings to life the drama, generosity and the life-saving promise of donation and transplantation. It remains a valuable tool for engaging secondary students in learning and conversation about organ donation.
Though developed some years ago, this well-regarded resource continues offers valuable information for high-school students, educators and parents.
This collection of booklets is a cross-curricular resource for senior high-school students. The curriculum is designed to be used in seven subject areas – the Arts, English, Health and Physical Education, Science, Guidance and Career Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, and Canadian and World Studies. Teachers and students can use various parts of the curriculum depending on the students’ interest and the course content.
This curriculum is dedicated to the many Ontarians who have given the gift of life through the donation of organs and tissue and to the many others who will in the future.
Access all of the curriculum booklets, lesson plans, teachers guides and more via the links on this page. Teachers who wants to bring this curriculum into the classroom are encouraged to start by showing students this video. This video was edited in 2021 to remove dated content. It can be downloaded here.