Celebrate Orgtober with the Orgamites!
Celebrate Orgtober with the Orgamites!
Let's get everyone talking this Orgtober!
Orgtober, formerly known as October, will be sweeping into primary school classrooms and calendars across the country. While the normal education curriculum will not be affected, this supplementary campaign seeks to breathe new life into organ donation education by starting earlier, getting more families talking, celebrating the fundamental values that underpin organ donation (kindness, compassion, and inclusivity), and having loads of fun while doing all of this!
Initiated by the Orgamites, the only global organ donation awareness program of its kind, Orgtober’s mission is this: to make kids everywhere more aware of their amazing organs, then get more families talking about organ donation, and thereby, increase the amount of organ donors in the long term which will ultimately save countless more lives.
Through a range of free, fun, and interactive educational toolkits and other resources that kids can take home, students learn all about their organs, as well as why and how to take better care of their bodies, and why and how kindness really counts.
“While the Orgamites’ range of toolkits have already become much-loved parts of thousands of students’ classrooms here in Canada, Greece and the UK, the launch of Orgtober is a first for the Canadian Blood Services, one in which Canada will be leading the way: showing schools, organizations and individuals everywhere how it’s done,” says Orgamites founder, Roydon Turner. “Together, we hope to raise much-needed awareness that will ultimately raise the numbers of lives saved – both here in Canada, and globally.”
What can you do?
1. Teachers: Check out the Orgamites teacher toolkits on this site (see buttons on the left sidebar).Consider using these to complement your lesson plans this Orgtober (or anytime of year).
2. Everyone else: Get involved by being an Orgamites champion and letting teachers and schools in your community know all about this exciting and important education program.
- Click here to find outreach resources and social media posts here.
- Send an email to otdt@blood.ca to find out more about becoming an Orgamites champion.