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Video: Meet the Orgamites

Canadian Blood Services and All Good Co.
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Meet the Orgamites

  • The mighty Orgamites are a team of nine life-saving organs (led by Captain Marrow) found in every one of us. They’re known as the mighty organs because they represent the most-donated parts of the body. These lovable characters help kids to connect with and appreciate the roles of their organs, while learning what organ donation and transplantation is all about.
  • Every tool created has been designed in such a way as to empower you with informative resources to equip and educate the children in your care.


Click here to view and/or download this video from Vimeo


Why the Orgamites?

  • As the only global organ donation awareness program of its kind, the Orgamites consists of an ever-growing range of educational tools — all aimed at breathing new life and lightness into all-important conversations.

 The Orgamites Programme is presented by All Good Co. which is a UK-based Community Interest Company. Current partners include: Live Life Give Life, Team Margot, Giving to Help Others, Onassis Foundation and Canadian Blood Services. Supported by NHS Blood and Transplant, Organ Donation Scotland and the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT). Created by Roydon Turner. ©Copyright, Creative and Production by *Awesonova. All rights reserved. Discover more at or

Content Links
How to talk with kids about organ donation
Poster: Do you know where the Orgamites go?
Orgamites Teacher Toolbox: Meet Your Mighty Organs
Orgamites Teacher Toolbox: Let's Get Mighty Healthy
Orgamites Teacher Toolbox: The Mighty Kind Movement